Visits: 0 Date: 09/08/2019


The experiences of first-time taking flight , first-time going aboard and first-time living in a western country riched my life. At each day of Orel college was still worthy of memoring. In the beginning my  life at Oxford was full of anxiety since it was my first time enrolled in courses given all by English. Even though I had some online English classes before that. However,  every question is carefully  regarded by each professor and the way of their discussion was so interesting to me. Encouraged by such academic atmosphere, I decided to challenged myself by starting to ask some questions.When it comes to exams ,Oxford exams are different from Chinese ones. There are other ways of exams: personal presentations and group discussions to test what we learned from courses. I had got know many peers from different countries, like Brazil, Germany, Italy etc. All of them are excellent,some of them even run their own companies, some can speak four languages. I enjoy studying with them because they understand my dream and encourage me to chase my dream . It was so sad to say goodbye when we saw off each other by the end of this program. 

— Sa Yayun